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Monday, September 05, 2005

Food for Thought

Things about the Gulf Coast Disaster that make you go, "Hmmmm?"
  • Why were military troops needed to "restore order" among hundreds of thousands of people who appear in photographs to be families, mostly women, children, some infirm and elderly men--the most orderly of survivors?
  • Did anyone consider rules of human behavior including respect--dissolve quickly in desperate circumstances?

  • Why didn't the authorities use the Mississippi River to evacuate the poor people from New Orleans?
  • Why did't the authorities use the Mississippi River to bring food, water, medical supplies and personnel to New Orleans?
  • Why are white Americans so afraid of black Americans? Why is this fear allowed to hamper saving human lives?
  • Why were some people shooting at those who were coming to provide help?
  • Did anyone ever consider the gunshots were fired to draw attention to their location?
  • Did partisan politics play a role along with race and economic status in the mishandling of the rescue efforts?
  • It is being reported that homes in the Bywater section of New Orleans, the 9th Ward,flooded because they (some government entity) used too much explosive to dynamite part of the levee after the first section broke - they did this to prevent Uptown (the rich part of town) from being inundated with water from the Lake. Who is responsible for flooding so many homes-Katrina, or our government?
  • Why did George Bush appoint a man, Michael Brown, the Director of Federal Emergency Management Agency, whose background experience is devoid of coordinating any type of emergency except those associated with a horse show?
  • Why were necessary supplies detained or rejected by the authorities in the early days of this tragedy?

Next post: My conclusions after I said, "Hmmmmm."

To assist with housing needs contact:

Hurricane Housing http://www.hurricanehousing.org

Open Your Home http://www.openyourhome.com

To provide food:

Second Harvest http://www.secondharvest.org/default2.asp

Mercy Corps http://www.mercycorps.org/

Acorn Institute http://www.acorn.org/


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