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Friday, May 26, 2006

George Walker Bush, President Tells The Truth

"You can fool some of the people all the time,
and those are the ones you have to concentrate on."

President George Walker Bush
Washington, D.C. Gridiron Club Dinner March, 2001.

At the time everyone thought this statement was a joke. Five years later it seems George W. was telling the truth.

The Gridiron Club, is the oldest and most prestigious journalistic organization in Washington, D.C. The club was founded in 1885. It has 65 active members representative of major newspapers, news services, news magazines and broadcast networks. Membership is by invitation only.

The Gridiron Club is best known for its annual dinner which traditionally features the United States Marine Band, along with satirical musical skits by the members and off-the-record remarks by the President of the United States and representatives of each political party.

The dinner is held on the second Saturday in March.

In 2003, the club established a Gridiron Foundation, which underwrites five journalism students at the University of Maryland each year, known as Gridiron Scholars, as well as a Gridiron Fellow pursuing a master's degree.

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Anonymous Bliss said...

Some of the people is right. He's not fooling the masses.

6:41 AM


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