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Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and a Little Girl age 5-7

"He was still alive. We put him in the ambulance, but when the Americans arrived they took him out of the ambulance, they beat him on his stomach and wrapped his head with his dishdasha, then they stomped on his stomach and his chest until he died and blood came out of his nose," Mohammed said.

In their zeal to kill Abu Musab al-Zarqawi American forces dropped two 500 pound bombs on a house that killed two men (names not mentioned), two women (names not mentioned) and a little girl age 5-7 whose name is also not mentioned, but not al-Zarqawi.

Isn’t this the ruthless tragedy, that five other innocent people are killed, and they are not even mentioned, and when they finally are, names are unknown? Does this not demonstrate that the U.S. does not really see people of foreign countries, especially if they are non-white, as human... or real?

The barbarian al-Zarqawi chops off some heads of adults who have no business really being there—it was their choice to be there (kind of like going to a bad neighborhood only worse)—and we revile him as the barbarian as he is, how revolting how disgusting, how barbaric.

But the U.S, kills five innocent people with two 500 pound bombs and that is civilized. They are simply faceless people, barely that apparently. They have no choice to be in Iraq, they were born there, they live there. They were not in another country that was not their own. They were blown up by the U.S. in the U.S. attempt to get al-Zarqawi. And this is not the first time or the second or the hundredth that innocents were killed by our forces.

But they did not even kill Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He was still alive. Iraqi forces or police were the first on the scene, al-Zarqawi was put on a stretcher, and then U.S. troops arrived.
"He was still alive. We put him in the ambulance, but when the Americans arrived they took him out of the ambulance, they beat him on his stomach and wrapped his head with his dishdasha, then they stomped on his stomach and his chest until he died and blood came out of his nose," Mohammed said.

Then they cleaned him up for a photo shoot. Quote:
"So much blood covered al-Zarqawi's body that US forces cleaned him up before taking photographs."
The debris around the site included a women's slip and other pieces of clothing. Charred dresses, torn blankets, thin sponge mattresses and pillows were in the crater itself.

The debris of concrete blocks and twisted metal reinforcement bars included a pillow with a floral pattern, sandals and a foam mattress with the covering torn off. A cooling unit and part of a washing machine also were in the area.

From Caldwell, a U.S. spokesperson,
"Well, what we had found, as with anything, first reports are not always fully accurate as we continue the debriefings. But we were not aware yesterday that, in fact, Zarqawi was alive when US forces arrived on the site,"
My source for this information is truthout.org. It may or may not be 100% accurate--who knows anymore, in this age of deliberate misinformation? It is at least as accurate as the news we originally got. Our news has become a daily demonstration of the Heisenburg Principle of Indeterminancy and the problem of Schrodinger’s Cat. (please excuse me if I don’t have the facts or name 100% correct—does it really matter in a society of misinformation?)

The Schrodinger postulation went something like this: You put a cat in a box, you have a radioactive substance that has a 50-50 chance of emitting a particle in a given time frame that if emitted will kill the cat. You can’t open the box during that time frame. Is the cat dead or alive?

The solution, as I read it, is that the cat is in a state that is not dead, and not alive, not conclusive, till you open the box. That is our news today, the story maybe true, until you find out it is not.

If a tree falls in a forest will you hear it? The tree did not fall in the forest because even if it did no one will tell you. Furthermore if hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children are murdered, blown to smithereens, raped and lost their limbs, lives and livelihood, or there is any semblance of peace you will not know that either-- unless they tell you. And they are not going to tell you.

We have entered a world where nothing happens unless they tell you it did. What kind of world is that?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn't enough you aid the enemy by hammering the president, now you champion a terrorist leader. Maybe you should move to Iraq!

12:07 AM

Blogger You Think said...

Thank you for your comment. Why would I want to move to Iraq? Haven't you heard? The U.S. is daily dropping bombs on that country killing thousands everyday. Oh, I get it. You're hoping I go there and I get killed in the bombings, too. Very clever. You wrong-wing people are very clever, but not very funny.

12:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 500lb boms were dropped on the home he was in. They leveled the building and killed everyone but him. Logic would then dictate that he would suffer from massive injuries, probably fatal, since he was in the same blast. I think I believe logic (that he died form the blast injuries) rather than some faceless first name of "Mohammed" claiming he was stomped to death. It must be very difficult finding someone in Iraq by that name wishing to slander US troops and not even give their last name! Great bogus story though! At least I DO think!

8:12 AM


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