Terrell Owens: We've A Book Title Suggestion for You
In the continuing saga of our favorite NFL star wide receiver the Dallas Cowboys' Terrell Owens there is another chapter.
This time we're talking about behavior that little children learn is unacceptable very early on. On Saturday night during a game between the Atlanta Falcons and the Dallas Cowboys, sometime during the first quarter, after only six plays, Owens spit on De Angelo Hall in retaliation for unending taunts from the Atlanta Falcons' corner back.
Firstly, we want to say we understand how difficult it is to be Terrell Owens. Sure he's making the big bank. He's getting all the honeys, and is adored by many and hated by some. There are folks who admire his achievements, his talents on the field and his obvious athletic ability. There are others who envy his ability, his focus and the publicity he seems to attract where ever he goes.
Secondly, we see Terrell Owens as, a former country boy, now, an adult who has not fully developed to handle the success he deserves for the time and effort he has put into being the best in the NFL.
We think an intervention is needed. We think the NFL should pay more attention to the emotional issues presented by the players whose backgrounds and life experiences before coming to the league do not prepare them for the situations that come up during their careers. Whether it is on the field or off the field, we think, the NFL franchise owners need to take as much care of the players as the owners of thoroughbred race horses take care of their multi-million dollar investments.
Veteran players in the league understand what it is like to come from, in most cases, single parent homes, low economic situations, and to be suddenly thrust into big money environs with little or no preparation for these circumstances.
More attention from the owners, league officials, and the Players' Association is forthcoming for players, not just those of the stature of a Terrell Owens, but for the rank and file players as well.
Clearly this incident with Owens is a wake-up call for getting help for this man who has obvious anger management difficulties, as well as providing guidelines for players like Hall, who is apparently distraught not only for being demeaned by Owens' spitting on him, but for having lost the game as well.
We're just sorry Hall made the poor decision to taunt Owens to respond in anger in such a socially unacceptable way. We can not imagine what a less experienced defensive player could have said to the more experienced and talented wide receiver to elicit/evoke/provoke such a response. We are sorry Owens made the dreadful decision to retaliate by spitting.
Perhaps the title in the next "Little T" book, a series of books for children co-authored by Owens should be: "Little T Learns Not to Spit!"
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Firstly, we want to say we understand how difficult it is to be Terrell Owens. Sure he's making the big bank. He's getting all the honeys, and is adored by many and hated by some. There are folks who admire his achievements, his talents on the field and his obvious athletic ability. There are others who envy his ability, his focus and the publicity he seems to attract where ever he goes.
Secondly, we see Terrell Owens as, a former country boy, now, an adult who has not fully developed to handle the success he deserves for the time and effort he has put into being the best in the NFL.
We think an intervention is needed. We think the NFL should pay more attention to the emotional issues presented by the players whose backgrounds and life experiences before coming to the league do not prepare them for the situations that come up during their careers. Whether it is on the field or off the field, we think, the NFL franchise owners need to take as much care of the players as the owners of thoroughbred race horses take care of their multi-million dollar investments.
Veteran players in the league understand what it is like to come from, in most cases, single parent homes, low economic situations, and to be suddenly thrust into big money environs with little or no preparation for these circumstances.
More attention from the owners, league officials, and the Players' Association is forthcoming for players, not just those of the stature of a Terrell Owens, but for the rank and file players as well.
Clearly this incident with Owens is a wake-up call for getting help for this man who has obvious anger management difficulties, as well as providing guidelines for players like Hall, who is apparently distraught not only for being demeaned by Owens' spitting on him, but for having lost the game as well.
We're just sorry Hall made the poor decision to taunt Owens to respond in anger in such a socially unacceptable way. We can not imagine what a less experienced defensive player could have said to the more experienced and talented wide receiver to elicit/evoke/provoke such a response. We are sorry Owens made the dreadful decision to retaliate by spitting.
Perhaps the title in the next "Little T" book, a series of books for children co-authored by Owens should be: "Little T Learns Not to Spit!"
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