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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Michael Vick Atlanta Falcons QB Indicted

Clark Dark, ace investigative report for YouThinkWhat has this update on Michael Vick's dog fighting case. Clark...

Thanks You. The 18 page indictment of Michael Vick (aka Ron Mexico) quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons includes charges of running a dogfighting operation and excessive abuse of animals. There are abominal allegations of the execution of under-performing dogs by the most appalling means.

Sources close to the investigation tell me mad dogs from all over the world are clamoring for an opportunity to testify against Vick and his associates in the operation.

Un-named sources tell me the witness list encompasses a wide variety of little known and well known dogs from popular television and cartoons. Some names in the line-up of those anxious to attest to their outrage about the charges are Scooby-doo, Blue, Lassie, Eddie (aka Moose) from the Frasier tv sit-com, Pound Puppies, to Astro flying in from some other galaxy to demand severe punishment for Vick.

Many of the canines ask the question: how would Vick like if he were threatened with severe beatings, or even worse execution for poor sports performance? Mr. Peabody of the famed Bullwinkle and Rocky Show wants to know if Vick would like to be forced to mate as many of the dogs were.

Snoopy from the Peanuts cartoon strip,Snuffles, Huckleberry Hound and Underdog are also expected to give testimony on behalf of the tragically abused animals.

This is Clark Dark.

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US Senators Debate Iraq Troop Reduction All Night Long

"The American people know it's time to responsibly withdraw from Iraq." That's a quote from New Jersey Senator Democrat Robert Menendez in reference to a Democratic proposal backed by a majority of the Senate to withdraw US combat troops by April 30, 2008. The measure is sponsored by Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Democrat from Michigan, Carl Levin.

Rarely has the US legislative body debated an issue all night long. This official debate began Tuesday, morning July 17, 2007. It is a discussion that features increasing frustration and opposition to the current war in Iraq. Current death toll of American troops is more than 3,600 men and women.

Republicans suggest leaving Iraq will encourage terror attacks and amplify the risk to our troops and our nation.

Democrats control the US Senate by a 51-49 majority; they have not been able to overrule Senate Republicans because the Republicans have employed rules requiring 60 votes to clear the way for a vote on the legislation.

A vote to bring debate to a close and move to passage of the withdrawal plan is set for 11:00am Washington, D.C. time. (EDST)

You are encouraged to Contact Your US Senate Representatives tell them to bring our troops home. Take the time to let your voice be heard through your representatives. If you believe it's time for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq call or email your US Senator today!

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