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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Isaac Hayes, 65, DEAD

Clark Dark here with more sad news. This time to announce the death of Isaac Hayes, composer, singer and actor. He was 65 years-old.

Our tribute to the "Hot Buttered Soul" man.

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Stand-Up Comedian/Actor Bernie Mac, 50 Died

Chicago mourns the death of Bernie Mac comedian and actor. According to Mac's publicist the television star died of complications of pneumonia in a Chicago hospital today. He was 50 years old. Here's our tribute to a man who encouraged an end to violence and participation in the politicla process by exercising our voting rights.

Bernard McCauley will be missed by many.

Many people, no doubt, will remember the alleged controversy surrounding Bernie Mac's appearance at a fundraiser in Chicago for Barack Obama. We present the opinion of one man, comedian Asa Thibodaux.

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