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Monday, December 29, 2008

Paris Hilton's Pink Bentley, Leonardo DiCaprio's Green Tesla

Seems the Hollywood elite are treating themselves to new rides.

Paris Hilton, the model, actress, hotel heiress, and BFF, spent a bundle on a customized, Barbie doll pink Bentley sports car. We think it looks like Pepto Bismol on wheels; you know the over the counter medicine for relief of upset stomach, nausea and such.

Now comes news that Leonardo DiCaprio has traded in his Toyota Prius for a new Tesla Roadster. This environmentally friendly electric vehicle goes 244 miles on one charge and burns no oil.

In an interview with the London Daily Mail Online Leo said,
"It's my first sports car and it's an unbelievable drive. It's scarily fast and it all happens with the flip of a switch, unlike a piston-driven engine that needs to build up momentum."

The Tesla Roadster is the first high performance electric car.

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