John McCain and the Train Wrecking Crew: All Aboard! The Double Talk Express
Nov 04, 2008 in Republicans, You think so
We wanna tell you a story how back in the days of the wild, wild West, America was Bush-whacked in the year 2000 by Bush slandering McCain and stealing the election from Gore, and again in 2004 by stealing votes by the Bush Travelin’ Cornpone Show featurin’ the Republican neo-conservative wing.
Fast forward to today…Presidential Campaign 2008… Lost in the caboose is good old John McCain. He wasn’t good enough in 2000, what makes anyone think he is good enough now? This train is going backwards on the Bridge To Nowhere real fast. Perhaps they knew they were going to lose and thought why not sacrifice John McCain again? Or perhaps it is a test to determine how stupid is too stupid. Ladies and gentlemen, lacking the intelligence or common sense of Forest Gump, John McCain. but remember even Forest did not become president though he did become rich like McCain.
Now voters the Bush-whack was bad enough for a disaster movie, we sure don’t want to get train-wrecked in 2008 by the psychopathically insincere Peter Lorre smile of the John McCain Double Talk Slow Motion Stage Coach Train Wreck: Episode on the Precipice of Disaster. All Aboard! Trust me McCain as the conductor taking you down the tracks where his pals have already blown the rails out out.
But don’t worry, little Annie Oakley can skin a Russian and start a war with a moose so there is absolutely no danger if the engineer should fall asleep or drop dead at the wheel now that the dead man break switch has been safely removed. Full Petroleum ahead. There is no doubt we’re in danger of going straight off the tracks with Nailin’ Pailin’ on board. Them Russkie ships sailing are into our hemisphere. Our missiles in Poland can blow out Moscow’s lights. Happy Birthday.
This is the perfect set up for the new guy.
If only the financial collapse had come about one hundred eighteen days later. It would have been the sublime set up for Blame the new guy.
Somehow they are trying to do that anyway. Even though he “has no experience and according to the GOP has done absolutely nothing” nevertheless he is also to blame for everything that has gone wrong with the banks and the economy. Barack Obama he’s that one, didn’t you know .