Florida Marriage Amendment: Vote No !
In June we told you how we feel about the attempt to change the federal constitution in order to protect marriage. Fortunately, the measure has not been passed in either the House or the Senate.
Legislators in the great state of Flawda have managed to use their influence to have someone’s homophobic idea placed on the ballot for consideration by the electorate. It’s a piece of legislation that is so anti-gay it goes into the areas that will affect even straight people.
The proposed amendment, like its federal cousin endeavors to provide and is described as the protection of “marriage as the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and provides that no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.”
Marriage does not require protection, especially in the state of Florida where gay marriage is not recognized. There are at least four different statues banning same sex unions.
The suggested law will damage unmarried heterosexual partners as well as homosexual partners; it could be used to prohibit employers from extending benefits, such as health insurance, to any domestic partners—young, straight, old or gay.
According to legal analysts it may affect arrangements allowing seniors to share living accommodations while preserving inheritance rights for their children and grandchildren; it may also complicate existing child-custody arrangements for thousands of unmarried parents in Florida.
The deceptive wording of this proposal disguises the far reaching negative impact beyond the intended target groups which is gays and far right conservatives. The legal opinion provided by Cynthia Hawkins-Leon is a very bad opinion from a lawyer who likely stands to benefit from the countless court battles that could mushroom if this amendment becomes law. VOTE No on the Marriage Amendment.
Floridians for your review the Gandolph Marriage Amendment proposal presented by Henry Gandolph:
Marriage is an endangered species. We need to get our machine guns and shoot down anyone who threatens marriage. This includes randy gay men, randy lesbians, randy philanderers and any one else caught looking at someone else who they are not married to and who may or may not be of the opposite sex. Wait I think minute I’m in Iraq.
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