The State Of The Union Address 2010: A Musical Parody For The Occasion
Tonight President Barack Obama will present his first ever State Of The Union speech to both houses of the United States Congress, the members of the Supreme Court, the military officials, other dignitaries, both American and foreign, and the people of our nation.
At 9pm Eastern Time the president’s vision for the future of the country will be televised live from the capitol in the capital city Washington, D.C..
He will be describing his plan to deal with unemployment, health care, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One of the topics to be presented the budget, has already been previewed by the White House Press officials. We believe the term “limited spending” would have been a better choice to describe the new budgetary spending restrictions rather than the word “FREEZE”. Whether we agree with the decision to do this or not is not the point. We’re talking saleability of an idea.
“Limited spending” would have been a more accurate term and would given less of an opportunity to the simpleminded among the opposition; the opposition of questionable loyalty and those in the public who support them, to seize on any phrase or word to help them paint a negative picture of this current administration’s competence. Why wittingly or unwittingly provide ammunition for their criticism?
We found this delightful parody of America The Beautiful written by the Salty Droid. The original lyrics written by Katharine Lee Bates were penned more than one hundred years ago in 1893.
Today, ten years into the 21st Century, we believe the parody may be more fitting for the current State of Our Union
….it’s certainly funny enough and we believe we could use a few laughs right about now…
America Doh Beautiful (sing to the tune “America The Beautiful”)
Doh beautiful, in our narrow minds,
Big waves of subsidy corn,
For massive sprawl, and fat behinds,
And our “secret” love of PORN!
America! America! All ignorant in glee,
We crown ourselves … and call it good,
singing ME ME ME ME ME.
Doh beautiful, are the uninsured
Their fear, and pain, and stress
A “lesson” for the working poor
and their worthless worthlessness!
America! America! Let’s deny our ev’ry flaw;
We’ll sing dumb songs, and move along,
protecting rich men from the law!
Doh beautiful, gold credit cards,
Because I can’t quite buy this yet.
Oh what the fluck, I got some “needs”
and someday YOU will pay for it!
America! America! Sham wealth is all we need,
More fake tits, and more fake lips,
from $EA to FAKE-Shining $EA.
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