David Paterson Disclosures: Blanche Africa Reilly Speaks
It’s been some time since we’ve heard from the mother of our ace investigative reporter, Clark Dark. Here now are a few words from the always candid, she holds nothing back, Blanche Africa Reilly Dark.
Thank you Henry. I have a few things to say about David Paterson, New York state’s new governor. By now most everyone knows the former New York Democrat governor Eliot Spitzer, a former state attorney general, was forced to leave this venerated position because of the misappropriation of government money to fund his association with a very high-price prostitution ring. There was also something about transferring large sums of money from his accounts to their or vice-versa. No matter he resigned when pressure was applied by the loyal opposition. The state’s Republicans said to leave or face impeachment proceedings.
So the disgraced Spitzer resigns and the mantel of governor falls upon the shoulders of David Paterson who was chosen in last fall’s election as Lieutenant Governor of the state . He was sworn in earlier this year as Lieutenant Governor right along side the now blemished philanderer Spitzer.
Just as the voters of New York state were recovering from being confronted with the news of Spitzer’s activities, and sighing with relief that their legislative representatives would not have to endure long drawn out impeachment sessions the newly sworn governor, Paterson, Spitzer’s successor, holds a news conference with his loyal wife by his side to announce his inappropriate behavior within his marriage.
Although many people in New York, and around the nation, are proud of the fact a legally blind black man has attained this high level of office, many people are not pleased by his recent disclosures of drug use when a younger man or extra-marital affairs he had; including his wife in these adulterous activities, presumably she had affairs separate from his, does not justify nor make his story play any better anywhere in the U.S.
Even though some people are relieved to know Governor Paterson is not a gay man, as the former governor of New Jersey admitted when pressured by a former lover with the possibility of blackmail, I think this is just too much information. TMI! Cheating is cheating, whether in a straight affair or homosexual affair. Cheating is unacceptable when both parties are dedicated and committed to one another.
Imagine what would happen if anyone of us received a recent promotion at our job. Let’s say you’ve been elevated from second in command to head of the whole entire operation. Once you’ve signed the deal, and you are assured you have the job you go to your boss, in the case of Paterson the people of New York state, and you begin to expose, and disclose every impropriety you’ve ever committed, whether business related, social or personal. Too much information I say!
Anyone else would be fired, terminated, booted out, dismissed with the result being unemployment for having the brass to make such disclosures.
Yes, I understand he was trying to ward off any investigations by the opposition or inquisite by some nefarious anti-blind-anti-black-governors-in-New-York-state; or even attempts by spurned lovers. He admits to having affairs with several women, including one who currently works in state government, though he confesses he was not her immediate supervisor. Wow! I’m real glad to know that.
The decision to disclose incidents involving personal choice is foolish. This is clearly a case of too much Jerry Springer. What ever happened to calmly stating, “No comment” when asked by some member of the media questions of a personal nature? Everyone does not need to know everything. Private information should remain just that. Full disclosure is not a requirement. I think it is insulting to the people who voted for Paterson. I think he should be dismissed.
Have we in America, in New York, sunken to the depths of such depravity where we’ll just have anyone as the leader? Oh yeah we have George Walker Bush as our president.
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