Detroit Michigan Bridal Shop Brawl Or The Bride Wore Stripes!
We found the following video on another site on the Internet. We read the back-story. It goes something like this: difficult, demanding bride becomes upset when shop owner will not acquiesce to her demands. She makes threats on one day–even called the police to make the owner do as she asked; and returns the following day to insist the shop comply with her unreasonable requests by changing its policy. As we read the story we thought, “Planning for events like weddings often brings out some peculiar behaviors.”
However, when we viewed what happened we could not believe our eyes. Of all the reports we found we liked this one video report because of the fairness of the presentation–both sides were told and we liked the frumpy looking anchor’s closing remarks. Watch and you’ll see what we mean…
There is no doubt this is a family who put the D-I-S in disrespect, or the D-Y-S and the F-U-N in dysfunction.
Our favorite quote from the shop owner,
“They don’t know how to deal with things in the United States. They think they in Fallujah or the mountains of Iraq or somewhere.”
His comments not only give us a hint as to the ethnicity of the people who attacked his store; it tells of the cultural difference between the bride, her family and the businessman and his family.
This statement also reminds us it’s one thing to come to the United States to be free; we must be mindful of the many strange customs to be learned that make assimilation a real challenge , too.
For example asking to have a gown valued at more than one thousand dollars on credit or even using a credit card that is not your own–it’s in the name of someone who is not present at the shop with you–these are unacceptable practices in the U.S. Throwing a hissy-fit, making threats assaulting the shop owners and tearing up their place of business is an even less than acceptable behavior in these United States. If they do not know they certainly need to ask somebody. Hot ghetto mess demeanor is not the way to go.
We suggest a suitable punishment for the perpetrators would be for the groom (??) and his boyz to be confined to the local jail on the day of the wedding; the nuptials will have to be held at the jail house for all the trouble they caused. The bride should be made to wear the government issued orange or blue incarceration jumpsuit to match her groom and his groomsmen, for her part in instigating the melee. In fact the traditional black and white broad horizontal striped garb would be suitable for the occasion- a wedding behind bars. Black and white is a very chic fashion statement!
Remember, if you want to clown in public you may receive your fleeting fifteen minutes of fame notoriety on the Internet as a featured YouTube video.
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