Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, And The Banksters Helping Shyster Lawyers
There’s just no stopping the reprehensible rip-off artists, the predators in government and banking. The beat goes on, and John and Jane Q. Public are on the receiving end of the beat down.
Despite all the news of new financial regulations, read that as toothless, benign and ineffectual to protect the public from the sordid practices of the cagey banksters, according to this exclusive article in the current issue of Mother Jones magazine, the government agencies, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae along with the bailed out financial institutions are helping the hundreds of law firms around the country known as foreclosure mills, force people out of their homes. We know of one firm that does 30 thousand foreclosures a year.
Many who are being displaced are being wrongfully removed. Documents are being falsified by unethical legal representatives; judges are so overwhelmed by the number of foreclosure cases there is no time for judicial checks to verify the evidence presented is accurate.
If the name of the homeowner in default is similar to yours, even though you have no loan with the same bank or even if you do, and your mortgage payments are up to date or your home is paid off, you could be in for a world of trouble; it may be as troublesome as having your identity stolen. We’ve all heard what a monumental inconvenience that experience can be. Erroneous information of this type once sent to credit bureaus is real tough to have removed. It can be done. It just takes a long time. Read here for more details of how the government and the bankers are pushing citizens out of their homes.
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