Hillary Clinton, Liz Trotta, Geraldine Ferraro Spark An Ugly Trend: Racist Foot In Mouth
The following video is an example of just how bigoted the United States of America really is. This piece demonstrates it is imperative for the younger generation-those who are and will be making the decisions, to have an informative, honest discussion to finally settle this matter of race in America.
Liz Trotta, Senator Hillary Clinton, Geraldine Ferraro, Jeremiah Wright and others have made it clear we need to have an intelligent, open, mature and frank discussion about race in America. Senator Barack Obama’s campaign for his party’s nomination to run for president emphasizes how very necessary it is to have this dialogue for understanding.
The American electorate must unify itself in order to protect itself from proponents of
true capitalism–that would be capitalism like your great grandparents experienced it. Politicians like Dick Cheney and others would have us live as Americans did when the other Roosevelt was president, not Franklin D., but Theodore.
Comments like the ones made by Trotta or Clinton or Ferraro have no place in our society. Jokes about assisnation are inappropriate and absolutely unacceptable. Some would saysome of these individuals misspoke and their apology for such remarks should be accepted. We think otherwise. Trotta should be fired. Clinton and Ferraro should be put on ignore. We’re amazed these old broads have so much to say with their feet so firmly planted in their mouths! Maybe a little hot sauce is in order here?
Hillary Clinton started this firestorm with talk of assisnation of a United States senator who just happens to be your opponent. That comment was no mistake. Women whom we presumed would be more circumspect have followed her example. They have taken the opportunity to openly express their racist feelings with little consequence for their actions. It’s an ugly, vicious trend. It should end right now.
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