Ken Mehlman To Headline BigotPalooza Road Show,Featuring Dr. Laura $chlessinger, Rodeo Clown, Imus, Richards And Sarah The Terrah
The word on the street is Ken Mehlman is joining the rodeo clown from Faux News Channel, the guy who isn’t sure he wants a theocracy because he doesn’t know what one is; along with the grifter former Governor of Alaska, as well as Don Imus, you may recall he’s the over-the-hill radio DJ with a way with words to describe young black females; along with disgraced comic, actor, performer Michael Richards the man who really knows how to call a spade a spade, along with that self appointed arbiter of bad advice and poor judgment Dr. Laura “She’s-Not-A-Licensed-Psychologist-Or-Psychiatrist-But-She-Needs-To-Be-Under-The-Care-Of-One” Schlessinger, when they will be touring the country in the coming weeks to help gin up the Repuglican Party faithful in preparation for the November mid term elections.
Tell your friends you read it here first. Plans are in the making for a national road show featuring all of America’s favorite racists. Even former Republican National Committee Chairman, Ken Mehlman will be the special guest bigot featured in the road show tour. We hear he’s been selected because of his talent in flip-flopping on the issue of gay marriage and gay inclusion in the formerly Grand Old Party that is the Repfuglican Party.
The Rethuglican Party, also known as the Grand Old Party, G.O.P. is now known as the Gay Old Party, since Ken Mehlman has come to realize he is in fact a practicing homosexual because of his pronouncement Mehlman is now eligible to join the ranks of those Lincoln Log gay Repuglicans.
Right now, at this moment, Kenny Mehlman is in favor of, on top of the amendment so to speak, the California Gay Marriage legislation. His position, you should pardon the choice of words, could change at any moment. Talk about a man who is confused about himself….this guy is the poster boy for twink bewilderment.
Keep checking this space for more details as they become available about the Bigot-Palooza coming to your town soon! We’re guessing it’s a party Jesse Helms would not have wanted to miss.
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