November 23rd 2007 Black Friday Shopping Event: Will You Be There?
All across the country retailers are stocking shelves with specially priced merchandise for sale in preparation for the expected onslaught of consumers the day after Thanksgiving traditionally known as the biggest shopping day of the year. Some stores will open at 5AM to entice consumers to get their “shoppin’ on”. It’s so huge it’s called “Black Friday” not because a lot of black people are shopping on that day, though many probably are, but because it’s the day when the retailers accounting record books go from being in deficit from previous months sales (red) to profit (black). It’s the day upon which retailers can gauge how much they’ll profit during the next four weeks of holiday shopping leading up to Christmas Day.
We explain all this to submit for your approval the idea of not shopping on Black Friday There have been several protest demonstrations in the past two months. Marches in support of the Jena 6, Genarlow Wilson, and others who have come under unreasonable trials and charges with excessive bail amounts for crimes that would ordinarily be considered misdemeanors.
There have been marches in protest of the continuing war in Iraq and the possible, though some say it has already begun, expansion into Iran. There have been protests for better public schools, low cost/high quality medical health care, employment, the environment. The list of complaints goes on and on.
We think staying home from the malls on Black Friday is a good idea. Don’t spend any money. This will get the attention of the whimpy Democrats and the arrogant Republicans who are running the country. Perhaps not shopping and a work slow down/General Strike on Monday, November 26 will encourage them all to be more responsive to the people.
If you miss shopping on Black Friday the retailers will wait for your hard earned dollars to be spent on merchandise made somewhere else. If you stay home from work on Monday the 26 or even slow the pace of what you do at work the message will be sent loud and clear that the American people have had enough Think about it.
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