YouThinkWhat Presents: 2008 Presidential Candidate Coloring Book
Always thinking, an admirable quality to say the least, the innovators at YouThinkWhat are developing the 2008 Presidential Candidate Coloring Book
Imagine being able to color the presidential candidate of your choice the color you like best. We draw the outline of each candidate and you fill in the color you like best.
See Hillary Clinton as black because she is married to the so called “first black president” or make her red or purple or blue. Now you no longer have to let color get in the way of your voting decision. Color the sometimes rude, and inappropriate Shillary the color of your choice.
Don’t let Barack Obama’s color get in your way, Color him white. Any black candidate who says things like we need to close our borders to insure no illegals enter the country and further militarize our borders is already white on the inside. Yo! Baracky baby if they can’t stop drugs, and illegal money, even counterfeit cash, from being smuggled across the boarders, building huge walls or requiring identification cards and levying fines ain’t gonna stop people from coming into this country. In case you didn’t notice there are thousands of miles of coastline.
Color Dennis Kucinich clear, because clearly he’s the candidate who speaks plainly about the issues that matter most to the American public, but for some reason they can’t see him. He might as well be the invisible man. In fact you don’t even have to color him at all because no one will even notice. It is so sad that the man that actually talks about issues is ignored because he doesn’t have movie star looks even though he’s intelligent and forthright. But intelligence and forthrightness are a liability in this election so color him ignored.
Color John Edwards with a broad brush. He’s got the looks, and the cash. He’s got the courage and foresight to speak honestly about what this country needs to get back on track, but he is also White. If this is getting in your way color him any color you want. Maybe he will have a chance to escape joining the invisible and the ignored.
On the pages designated for the Grand Old Party (GOP) color everyone confused. Rudy, a short fella looking for a tall balcony, really thinks he’s got a shot. Maybe he thinks this is craps or he wants another shot because he is drinking doubles. Anyway you look at it color him big city red neck gestapo. He can join Hillary in this, a swastika wouldn’t look out of place on him, but only on his underwear, we wouldn’t want it to get out in public.
Romney, McCain color them toasty brown or any other brown you like, personally I prefer the one that starts with S but remember even S when it gets old and dried up turns white. The only GOP we think has a chance is that Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, friend of Keith Richards. That’s right the same Keith Richards who fell out of a coconut tree on his head last year at plus 60 years old, making Father William look a piker, the same infamous or famous depending on your point of view Keith Richards of greatest rock’n’roll band of all time The Rolling Stones. If you are a famous or infamous rock star or rock star wanna be then the Arkansas Hucaebee is your man. Politics needs people with hard heads and friends with hard heads and cash, so you can color the governor green for cash or brown like a coconut.
Last but not least Color the White House somber gray. Because whomever wins the key to the front door of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will not only be living in a fishbowl mansion in an urban area they will also be closing the curtains. Because if you think the current government’s penchant for privacy and snooping will end with the next election you must be joking. The next president is sure to have the powers of Superman, able to see through buildings with his Xray vision, able to listen on all conversations. What was his color, why red white and blue. So color the White house red white and blue because after President Dumbya and his band of thugs gets done with the utter decimation of this country’s economy….that is the only color candidate that will succeed, the candidate who most prostrates himself before the public as the defender of America the red white and blue, and for this reason we must continue to incarcerate without warrant or habeas corpus, build walls along our borders and massivley militarize against non existent phantom external enemies when all the time the Chicken Little poison lives inside. With few exceptions we will be coloring our political candidates Yellow.
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