Joe Biden: The Real True Story–No Kiddin’. Here’s The Deal!
In the US voters are scurrying to the polling spot to cast a ballot for Agent Orange, incumbent POTUS Donald J. Trump; or “The Big Guy”, former VEEP Joseph R. Biden, Jr. As a public service to our US readers we offer the following link in order to provide the full, complete,
real true story of Joe B his family and associates.
When you visit this link you’ll find out the details of the death of Neilia Bidden, Joe’s first wife, the mother of his children and the subsequent actions of the then youngest man to be elected to the United States Senate. Here’s an excerpt:
“Biden told everyone and his dog Dunn was drunk. Why? Dunn had run to the wreck and pulled his wife and family out. He may have saved 2 of their lives. Why did Joe do this? So people would feel sorry for him? Wasn’t it enough he lost 2 family members in a car crash? Or was it to deflect suspicion from his wife being drunk and a subsequent journalistic investigation? It would have looked bad for Joe if his wife’s alcoholism resulted in one his children’s death. The Delaware News Journal reported:
” It would have looked bad for Joe if his wife’s alcoholism resulted in one his children’s death. The Delaware News Journal reported:
“Since his vice presidential nomination, Joe Biden’s 2007 statement that Curtis Dunn, a “guy who allegedly DRANK HIS LUNCH” and drove the truck that struck and killed his first wife and daughter has gained national media traction. It’s unclear who first suggested alcohol was a factor in the crash, but since Obama made him his running mate The New York Times, National Public Radio and The Economist have run articles that characterized Dunn as a drunken driver. Along with many other news outlets, the Huffington Post, in 2008, described the accident this way: “Delaware’s Senator-elect would face a more difficult challenge soon after his election, when a drunk driver struck the car carrying his family, killing his wife Neilia and daughter Naomi and severely wounding sons Hunter and Beau.”
We think an educated voter is better able to make an informed decision, especially, during this presidential election…
It’s being called “the most important of our lives”.
After all the man has spent forty-seven years, 47 years!, in public service and most voters only know him as former GQ POTUS Barry Obama’s vice president who hails from Delaware.
Joe Biden, a man, who at the beginning of his newly minted senate career, appeared to have the ideal family life. Armed with an attractive wife and three young children…the basic components for a successful political career, there appeared to be only good things on the horizon for Joe’s career in politricks.