Trayvon Martin | Stand Your Ground ,*Feel* Afraid Shoot Someone Dead
In the matter of the murder of Trayvon Martin…
We’re talking about the Stand Your Ground Law; the new personal protection law that’s sweeping the nation.
Not to be confused with the Castle Doctrine…this law is the right to use lethal force to protect your personal space…Stand Your Ground, unlike the Castle Doctrine which provides the right to kill intruders in your domicile, residence or “castle”…goes with you where ever you go…like a right to personal protection bubble.
The law means any shooter is justified in killing, what would normally be called murdering, simply because the shooter “feels” threatened or endangered
–There is no need for any actual threat or endangerment–all that is necessary is the shooter feel, or perceive that they are threatened!
The New Could’ve, Might’ve Law ….sanctions killing anyone You don’t like in Your neighborhood.
All You have to do is feel afraid.
As well you should–according to the new interpretations.
According to current interpretations of the right to Stand Your Ground Law
Trayvon Martin had the right to:
1) Stand his ground. (Why has no one mentioned this?”)
2) “Feel Afraid.” (After all he was being followed by a big white/Hispanic man with a gun.)
3) Shoot Zimmerman,…if onlyMartin had had his own gun. (Why has no one mentioned the only defense Martin had was his own body. The very same body perished trying to provide defense.)
4) Defend himself, by attacking the perceived threat Martin felt from Zimmerman. (Surely we are not claiming the only way you can protect yourself from a perceived threat is with a knife or a gun.)
5) Beat Zimmerman to death even, to defend himself, because he felt threatened by Zimmerman following him with a gun and scaring him.
It should be clear:
6) Martin not only had the right to feel endangered by Zimmerman, Martin was actuallyendangered by Zimmerman, since Martin is now dead, caused by Zimmerman following him and shooting him with a gun.
7) Martin not only had the legal right to confront, or attack Zimmerman, because he felt endangered,
Martin really was endangered.
8) We can only imagine a successful application of the “Stand Your Ground Law” would have been:
Zimmerman followed Martin. Martin felt threatened. Martin shot or killed Zimmerman because of the threat.
Case Closed.
9) Who could have imagined the “Predator” who was following and threatening, would have the right to claim they felt threatened, and this feeling could therefore be used to justify their predatory killing?
10) Rationally it would appear Martin was the only one to have the right to feel threatened,
since Martin was the only one who was being pursued, by a person named Zimmerman, with a gun.
11) According to current interpretation of the “Stand Your Ground Law”, Martin even had the right to attack Zimmerman to take Zimmerman’s gun from him, because the threat of Zimmerman’s gun, was part of Zimmerman’s threat.
12) The biggest threat to Martin and Zimmerman was Zimmerman’s gun.
13) Zimmerman brought the gun
14) Zimmerman pulled the trigger.
15) Martin perhaps tried to defend himself. (As is his right under the “Stand Your Ground” law.)
16) Zimmerman shot Martin dead.
The only situation that could invalidate Martin’s rights to defend, and even kill, if he felt threatened is
if the “Stand Your Ground” law is valid for whites only.
Many people are arguing that Zimmerman, after following Martin “might” have “felt” threatened, and therefore whatever the “maybe” reality, Zimmerman had the right to defend himself with a gun.
Are we now saying if someone approaches or is near you, you have a right to “feel” threatened therefore you have the “right” to “kill” that person?
However that person could also feel threatened… by YOU, and therefore have a right to kill you, since he feels threatened ??
You better get practicing Quick Draw!
If this is the truth of the law, then it has now become much worse than the Old Wild West, and we all need to carry loaded pistols in our holsters.
Whoever feels threatened first has the right to shoot the other dead. (“The Quick and the Dead.”)
That’s reassuring!
Logically, every single person should feel threatened.
Since we now know all the other person has to do is feel threatened to legally shoot us. (I’m afraid to go outdoors.)
Doesn’t even matter if the other person has a gun. Doesn’t matter who drew first. Doesn’t matter that all they did was stick out their tongue. Doesn’t matter that they were walking away and you shot them in the back. All that matters is You felt they might turn around, and when and if they did, they might attack you.
If this is the essence of the new law then we can kill anyone and everyone we want.
All we have to do is get near enough to the person or persons we hate, perhaps by following, to shoot them.
Then when we are close enough to feel threatened, to feel they might hurt us, we legally shoot them dead.
Reminds us of the defense: YOUR face ran into MY fist…Or
YOU scared me while I was following you with my gun, so I Shot YOU.
Come to think of it: Isn’t this the same reasoning our government is trying to use to attack Iran?
They might be dangerous.
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