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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Stealth Racism Is The New 21st Century Racism

In Jena, a section of rural Louisiana, a small and still segrgated community some black student at the high school decided to express their displeasure with the manner in which a clear threat from some white students had been handled.

The blacks organized a sit-in under the "white tree" in protest of the light punishmnets given the noose threatening white students.

The white district attorney came with law enforcement officers to address a school assembly. According to the testimony in a later motion in court the DA allegedly threatened the black protesting student saying that if they did not stop making a fuss about the "innocent prank", "I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I can take away your lives with a stroke of my pen." For the remainder of the week the school was on students were on genuine, deliberate confinement while attending school.

For the rest of the fall term racial tensions remained heightened.

November 30, 2006 mysterious fire destroyed the main academic building of the Jena High School. December 1, 2006 a black student was beaten by whites. DEcember 2, 2006 a yiung white man pulls out a shotgun in a confrontation with young black men who wrestle the gun away from him. The black men were later arrested. No charges were filed against the white man.

Monday, December 4, 2006 a white student at Jena High was reportedly making racial taunts, which included calling black students "niggers" while he upheld the actions of the students who hung the hooses, and those who beat up the black student; this cheerleader of sorts was beaten, knocked down, punched and kicked by the blakc students. The victim was treated and relased from the hospital. He attended a social function that same evening.

Six black student from Jena High School were arrersted and charged with second degree attempted murder. All six were dismissed from school. The six young men charged were: Robert Bailey Junior, 17 years old-bail set at $138,000; 17-year-old Theo Shaw whose bail is $130,00; 18-year-old Carwin Jones- bail is $100,000; 17-year-old Bryant Purvis-bail $70,000; 16 year-old Mychal Bell, a second year student charged as an adult with his bail set at $90,000, and an unidentified minor.


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Race Hate in Louisiana 21st Century Style

Mychal Bell remained in jail from December 2006 until his recent trail because his family could not raise the $90,000 bail. Mychal Bell's trial was swift. The all white jury was selected. It included 2 people friendly with the district attorney, a relative of one of the witnesses and several others who were friends of presecution witnesses.

Bell's parents were not allwoed to attend the trial because they were listed as potential witnesses. However the white victim despite being a witness, was permitted to stay in the courtroom. The parents of the defendant, who had been widely quoted in the news as critics of the process, were even told they could no longer speak to the media as long as the trial was in session. Bell's father MArcus Jones said, "It's all about those nooses. He declared the charges to be racially motivated.
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